A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


Ulf watched the two opponents with a grim expression whilst he waited for the seemingly inevitable. Gregory’s performance had been so bad that he wasn’t going to be able to take part in pack manoeuvres. It would be too dangerous for him. Ulla was their best fighter, but even she was often outmatched by their opponents when set against the other packs. If Gregory couldn’t even take on one orc, how would he fare when it came to fighting three?noveldrama

It was then that Ulf saw the change in the human. The young man’s eyes seemed to clear and he stood upright as Ulla started a final charge of brutal intent. Gregory simply didn’t move. He didn’t take up any of his fighting stances. He didn’t dance around to make himself a harder target. Instead, he simply stood stock still. The thought of what was coming made Ulf wince for the boy, though he resisted the urge to cover his eyes.

Except when Ulla did reach Gregory, things didn’t quite go to according to expectations. Instead of dodging back and conceding ground to her, he took a single stepped forwards and jammed both his fists directly into her exposed shoulder. The blow connected like a hammer on a bare joint, and the sudden move caught her completely off-guard sending a sharp bolt of pain up her arms and down her neck. She barely had the time to scream before Gregory moved again and planted his fist squarely in her jaw. The crushing impact sent the unbalanced orc flying backwards to land on her ass in the dirt. Her club landed several paces behind her.

He took a sure step back to where he’d been standing. It took him a few moments for the red mist to clear when he realised what he’d just done. He’d won! Someone else had a mouthful of dirt for a change. Orcs weren’t all invincible behemoths of unbeatable force.

Oh, and he’d just hit a girl.


When that last thought sailed through his mind like a mouldy raven his anger faded and he stepped towards Ulla to check if she was alright. She’d tried to get up but he’d clocked her so hard that it was proving to be more of a task than she’d anticipated. It was hard to get her legs beneath her when it seemed as if she suddenly had six of them.

“I’m sorry about-” He started his apology, only to be met with a another roar of rage from her.

She finally found her footing, grabbed her club and ran at him as if possessed by a demon.

Gregory saw the danger, but the fear and the uncertainty of battle didn’t return this time. Instead, he reacted exactly how Algra had shown him. No thoughts were cast to the short-fight, and he simply let instinct take him along the sidestep to dodge Ulla’s opening blow. Focusing on the long-fight, he saw an immediate opportunity as Ulla was thrown off balance by her own club. This time, he brought his forearm up under her chin and pushed hard to take her off her feet and bring her down on her back. He quickly descended upon her and pressed his arm against her throat.

“Yield!” For the first time it was a command rather than a declaration.

She growled, clawed and spat. Her legs were lifted on either side of him, her heels desperately kicking against his sides. She couldn’t get a solid kick on him, and he’d immediately pinned her weapon arm to the ground. Her only free limb was used punched him on his upper arm with her free hand albeit at an awkward angle. It hurt like hell. He could take it.

She didn’t yield. He realised that she’d probably choke herself out before giving up willingly. It would take a different tactic to best her, so he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her upright. She wasn’t expecting it. Nor was she expecting him to roll backwards with her in tow, plant his foot on her stomach and hurl her backwards over his head and into a nearby empty weapon rack.

She clattered into the wooden beams like a bowling ball hitting a fresh strike.

Gregory looked over to her and got back to his feet. Ulla only groaned before slowly trying to get back up. This time there was no rage or fight left in her, and Gregory was privately very glad to see that she didn’t reach for her club again.

Nullik burst out laughing. He’d never seen anyone beat Ulla in single combat, let alone seen it done quite so spectacularly.

“Good.” Ulf stepped forward. “Very good. But why did you not press your advantage when you had her on the ground?”

Gregory made an effort to calm his breathing before answering.

“Wasn’t a very good way to win,” he said with a shrug.

Ulf nodded, looking at the human with more respect. “You learn well. But you must fight with a weapon. Frelki will teach you.”

With those words, Ulf gave Gregory a pat on the shoulder and then turned back to help out Ulla. She promptly shoved him away and went off to sit and sulk by herself at losing to a mere human. Frelki approached Gregory a little while later and offered him back his training club.

They spent until sunset practicing. Frelki was a patient teacher and the training was much easier on him than Algra’s had been. The slender female seemed to have a somewhat gentler nature compared to most orcs. Although it soon became quite clear that she knew what she was talking about, and Gregory dutifully paid attention.

“Swing with the club. You’re countering your weight against it. It won’t be as powerful.” Frelki advised before showing him the difference.

Gregory wasn’t so sure that was the best way of going about things. Orcs were powerful foes, but they tended to be too top-heavy in their charges and if Ulla hadn’t put her weight behind her swing in that third bout then he probably wouldn’t have gotten such an easy advantage. Deciding it was best to do as he was told, he swung the club as instructed and then looked back to receive an approving smile and a nod from his tutor.

Frelki wasn’t built like most orcs, and he supposed that made her all the more interesting to his eyes. Her tusks were smaller than both Algra’s and Ulla’s, despite her being obviously older than both. She was also the first orc he’d seen that didn’t have black hair. Instead, it was a mousey brown colour that looked quite appealing on her green head. She wore it in a simple braid that fell down her back.

Her body was tall, but leaner and far more slender than most of her kin. He’d particularly noted her legs, which were bare and rather gorgeously streamlined. The gentle curves of those long stems had made him cast more than a single thought to what her ass looked like beneath her skirt. Though he tried not to dwell on those thoughts when she was teaching him something that might save him getting beaten to death. It was clear in her demonstrations and her movements that she was remarkably fit and almost eerily agile. She’d just been given the body of a ballerina as opposed to a bodybuilder. Strong, yet perhaps a little too fragile.

Frelki’s voice was easy to listen to, without the hard edge that most orc’s carried in their throats. Though she did seem a little too gentle, or even timid. It made her stunningly cute, with a cheeky smile and keen eyes. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite so sure that the words cute, gentle, or timid were ideal to describe a companion who he might be going into a straight-up brawl alongside.

As the light started to fall away, Ulag marched out of his own tent to bark fresh orders to the assembled pups.

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