A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


What’s more, Algra usually found her own focus easily enough in riding her battle-rage after spending two decades mastering the correct mindset for a fight. The problem was that ever since they had met something about him had deftly slipped beneath her guard. Perhaps it was simply because the first time she had laid eyes on him she’d been half-insane with desire, and ever since whenever she saw him something inside her called back to that time when she wallowed in the depths of heat.

That he had so eagerly and thoroughly ravished her soon after, sating that maddening lust and bringing her back to the world in a series of explosive orgasms? Well, that had probably helped.

The end result was simply that Algra didn’t have her usual level of focus when she faced him. Sure, even with her mind occasionally running astray it was easy for the trained warrior to best him in open combat, but when he was so blatantly baiting her to the call of the rut?

He was definitely going to get it.

In the same instant, each of them roared their own battle cry and leapt into combat.

Janette’s eyes widened in momentary terror as it seemed like her two lovers were about to rip each other to pieces. It was only after the first few blows had been struck that the rising cry in her throat fizzled out and she was left watching in wide-eyed wonder.

Gregory was fighting like a warrior born. She’d seen him try to use his own training before, and it had even proved effective against the likes of Bolut and had doubtless kept him alive more than once since they had found the ring. When he went up against Algra, it just didn’t work. In the previous days he’d told her he’d tried everything he could think of from his training back on Earth. Karate, judo, kick-boxing, even a couple of styles of kung-fu he’d been practising before Arolius. Nothing had gotten close to working against the orc.

Janette didn’t know what style or technique he’d adopted. She privately branded it Fuck-Fu and with bated breath she watched a sudden and vicious display of strikes crash between the two fighters. Both male and female moved faster than Janette had ever seen before, shifting without thought or care for anything but each other.

Algra struck him across his shoulder as he feinted to shift his head out of the way. Instead of trying to shift for better footing, he wrapped his arm around hers to hold her extended limb in place before smashing his fist into her ribs with three sharp and powerful blows.noveldrama

Growling fiercely at the attack, Algra used the grip they had on each other along with her raw strength to shift herself and fling him over her hip. It might have been the end of another bout right there, but this time Gregory moved with the throw and landed on his feet with his hands grasping onto one of her thighs and his head lifting up directly between her legs.

She practically buckled at the knees the moment his mouth made contact with the silken seams at the apex of her thighs. That delicious green flesh spasmed as his tongue slid across the puffy folds. It gave him just enough of a distraction to get his arms locked around her thighs and his hands firmly clasping her taut backside.

Janette watched the scene unfold in the bizarre position. Algra was still stood upright, one of her arms putting up little fight when it came to rest on Gregory’s chest. He was exhibiting quite a bit of dexterity, practically crab-walking with his feet planted on the ground, his arms holding onto her legs and his body resting almost horizontally parallel to the earth. It didn’t look like the best position to take any sort of advantage, but somehow he managed to use his footing along with his grip to twist sideways in a powerful move that finally cause Algra to fall.

Apparently Fuck-Fu could be quite effective!

The mighty orc female barely seemed to notice she had been taken off her feet in the midst of combat. Landing on her side, her first reaction was to lift her leg up in the air to give the human easier access to her gushing pussy.

Janette watched Gregory expertly explore the depths of his lover with his tongue and felt quite a bit of fresh heat rising in her own body. She’d seen the pair of them go at it like animals plenty of times since they had arrived on Arolius. It never failed to ignite her own flame of desire. Hell, that flame had gotten so intense the first time she’d watched them that she’d practically offered herself like an orc in heat to the pair of them.

So it was without a thought for decency that she lifted her legs to settle her feet on the rock beneath her and spread her knees wide open. The soft touch of her fingertips descended down between her open thighs to lightly tease little circles around her clit. In moments those fingertips glistened with her excitement, and she pressed deeper into herself whilst watching the lovers in the field.

Algra moaned upon feeling his tongue swirl around the nub of flesh at the height of her slippery slit. Normally he loved that noise, and it was made all the sweeter when she rolled onto her back. All that remained was to pin her shoulders to the soft earth beneath her and victory would be his.

Victory could wait.

He could tell that she needed him now. It was beyond a game or a bout on the training field. If he left her like that and pinned her then she would leave angry and unfulfilled. Angry? He could deal with that, for orcs were notoriously short tempered. To knowingly leave her on the edge in that moment when she needed him? He loved her far too much for that sort of thing. The ring could rust and Earth could wait, for in those moments Algra was all that mattered.

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