A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 45- When answering the door, remember: it's either a friend with pizza or someone selling something you don't need. Choose wisely.

When we are both up, awake and mostly presentable, Ashton and I stop off to grab takeout for lunch and head down to the station. The drive down is...nice. Ashton is cheerful and relaxed. Not to mention he is finally willing to call me Kat. I don't know exactly how things have changed, maybe it's just that he was finally honest with me and doesn't have to worry about keeping secrets anymore. Based on how he feels about honesty I bet it was bothering him. He just seems more confident and more comfortable with me. We park at the station and get out of the car. I'm a little surprised when Ashton takes me hand to head into the station, but maybe not that shocked. He's been a lot less concerned about avoiding physical contact this morning. Maybe he's decided to just do things the human way while he's here and stop worrying about it all so much. I don't know why he's decided to hold my hand again, but I kind of enjoy it so I don't bother saying anything. We take the stairs up since Ashton hates the elevator so much. My legs are dying by the time we reach the correct floor. Ugh stairs suck. I do finally pull my hand away from Ashton though, turning up holding his hand twice in a row would definitely be begging for misunderstandings and I don't need a bunch of cops threatening him for my sake.

We get a lot of strange looks as we approach dad's office. A lot of the police here saw Ashton without his glamour yesterday and now they all seem a little extra cautious around him. The only person who seems completely unchanged is George.

"Well hey there kids. You're looking a lot more energetic. Are you guys ready to give your proper statements now?" He greets us in a friendly tone and Ashton seems almost startled by his enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I was going to just check in with dad first..." I start. George shrugs.

"He's got an upset citizen in there bawling at him right now. It might be better to give it a few minutes." He suggests and I shrug.

“Sure. Are we giving the statements to you?" I confirm and George grins.

"Do you know anyone else here who wants to deal with the paperwork? Of course you're giving it to me. Come on, we can find somewhere quiet to sit. Maybe one of the interrogation rooms?" He concludes, leading the way with a handful of papers clutched in his fingers. Ashton raises an eyebrow at the words interrogation room but I give him a reassuring smile.

"It's just a room the police use when asking people questions. Sometimes that means suspects, but it doesn't have to. It's just a private and safe room" I explain.

"Ah, I understand." he answers.noveldrama

We spend the next hour explaining everything that happened to George while he takes notes and asks the occasional question. He did say that we could write it all out ourselves, but Ashton doesn't really have reading and writing English down just yet so that would probably take a lot longer. It's easier to do it this way. There's a tape recorder set up as well to make sure he doesn't miss anything. When we have all run out of things to say, George gives us some papers to sign. Ashton is eying George speculatively.

"You are the one who took the imp into custody?" Ashton asks seriously. George nods.

"Yep that was me. Got him locked in a holding cell. I left strict instructions to interact with him as little as possible and that his necklace should not be touched under any circumstances. My paperwork on him is a little questionable since I don' have any details about him and he's not talking to anyone. Actually I think he's spent most of the last few hours just sleeping." He comments. Ashton nods.

"Yes, he will likely sleep a lot. The necklace which represses his magic also makes it difficult for him to recuperate properly. He will still be feeling just as exhausted as he was after losing the fight between us." He explains. George seems fascinated. I suppose I was too, although maybe a little less so since I already had heard a bit about Ashton's magic. I mean he's been walking around my home without any glamour and that seems more impressive, although I get the feeling it's actually not. It's just more flashy.

"Well, I suppose it makes it easy to keep him calm and locked away. Do you know how long we will be holding him for?" George questions.

"I do not know for sure, it depends how long it takes me to find the others. When I do find them I will arrange for their transportation back home. I appreciate your assistance in keeping him under control in the meantime. If you have any difficulties or concerns about him please contact me. I understand that you can speak to Kat with phones. That may be a good way to find me." Ashton concluded and George looks a little amused at Ashton's enthusiasm for phones. "Yes, if there's an issue I'll call Kat." he assures him.

We chat with my dad before leaving. I deliver the takeout that I left at George's desk and once again my dad offers to call the mayor and get me out of the whole arrangement. Ashton is weirdly quiet during the conversation. Of course I refuse and not long later we're on our way back down the stairs.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything when my dad was trying to convince me to ditch you again." I comment and Ashton sighs.

"You have every right to quit should you wish to, I cannot blame your father for making sure you are aware of your options and I do not want to pressure you into staying and helping me if it is not what you actually want." He explains. "Oh, well thanks I guess. But I don't want to quit. I enjoy working with you." I tell him firmly. Ashton laughs and relaxes a little.

"I am glad. I have no idea how I would manage any of this without you." I shrug.

"Oh I'm sure the mayor could find you a replacement. You would probably have to deal with them reporting back to him constantly but you would manage I'm sure.” I reassure him. Ashton shakes his head.

"No, I do not wish to work with someone else. If you were to quit I would likely try to go forward on my own." He decides. Well that seems a little extreme, but it's nice to be appreciated. Since no one at the station had any more leads for us, we head back home to do some more online research and to relax a little bit. The afternoon passes quickly and I'm just contemplating what to order for dinner when there is a loud knock at the door. I make my way to the door, but as usual I stand back and let Ashton answer it. The door swings open and Ashton freezes up. I can't see who it is past him but he lets me push through so I assume they're not dangerous. Waiting on the doorstep is yet another guy who is so stupidly pretty that he just can't be human. I say pretty because while he looks perfect like Ashton does, he also reminds me of the old fashioned elves in old movies and TV shows. Gorgeous, but thin and built for speed over strength. He in no way looks feminine or anything, just a lot more delicate. His hair is long and tied back in a neat low ponytail. It's a very light blond colour and his eyes are a dark blue.I assume he is fae and wearing a glamour but I have no idea how I might be able to see through it. I'll work on that. The fae is holding a weird glowing rock and has a satisfied smile on his face.

"Prince Ashton, I finally found you." He gives a deep nod and Ashton finally relaxes his shoulders and begins moving again.

"Hello Fin. I suppose I should not be surprised to see you here." He sighs and looks resigned. I'm looking back and forth between the two of them trying to figure out what's going on. Fin turns his gaze on me and I instinctively take a step closer to Ashton and drop my hand on his arm. I can feel the strange Fae's eyes practically laser focusing on the contact between us. Ashton sighs again and carefully takes my hand.

"Fin, This is Miss Katerina Fall. She has been good enough to guide me and provide me with a place to stay while I am here. Kat, I would like to introduce Finvara Kirn."

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