A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 41- Blood ties don't grant you magical powers, unless you count the power to embarrass yourself at family gatherings.

"I did not exactly get permission to come here... While it is true that the assassins escaped here and need to be captured, I was not assigned the task by my mother. She wanted me to wait and ensure that I had all the appropriate information before chasing after them. I did not agree with her. I was concerned that the assassins would get away if we waited too long. So I sent the communication to arrange the meeting with your father and the mayor, left my mother a note and came here alone." He admits

"Well that doesn't sound good. And here I thought I was the only one driving my parent crazy." I joke. Ashton gives me a half smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. I mentally kick myself. That was an incredibly stupid thing to say to someone who just LOST a parent and- oh, maybe he does have a point in thinking that I might have spoken to him a little differently if I had known he just lost a father. Then again, what other stupid comments have I made without thinking? "It would seem that you are not the only wilful child. We are a matched pair.” He responds, but it doesn't sound like his heart is really in it. I sigh.

"Okay, so obviously this is the exact conversation that you were hoping to avoid. I'm going to give you two options and I promise to respect your choice. Option one, I can pretend I never heard anything, I'll keep my questions to myself and we continue on the way we have been, until you feel like talking about it, that is if you ever feel like talking about it. You don't know me that well so I can't really blame you if you don't want to share details of your personal life with me. I mean, I technically work for you. I'm human so I CAN lie and pretend I don't know anything if it comes up." I frown at the thought. I don't actually like this option. Keeping questions to myself is difficult and pretending I don't know that he just lost his dad feels like a jerk move on my part. Ashton tilts his head to the side curiously.

"What is option two?" he asks.noveldrama

"Option two is that we talk about it now and I ask what I need to ask, say what I need to say and then I leave it alone unless you bring it up again." I conclude. This option is probably a lot more uncomfortable for him, and I suspect he expects me to have dozens of questions, but I don't. I only have a couple things I want to know. Ashton is quiet for a moment as he contemplates my offer. Decision made, he straightens up and looks me in the eye. "What do you want to know?”

I am pleasantly surprised. Considering Ashton went out of his way to avoid this conversation, I didn't think he would actually pick option two. My shock must show on my face because he smiles at me.

"You say that both options are acceptable, but I cannot help but feel that if I avoid this conversation it will do damage to our relationship. I have already caused your trust to waver and I do not wish to lose it entirely, even if it does mean having an uncomfortable conversation." He explains and I honestly melt. If it weren't for the fact that I think it would freak him out, I would probably throw myself at him in a hug right now. Maybe I'm not the only one who values this friendship after all. I give him a small nod.

"Thanks Ashton. Okay, so my first question. If your dad was the king, are you meant to be king someday, or is that someone else's job?" I start. Ashton's eyes widen in surprise, I guess this isn't where he expected the interrogation to go. "Oh, well yes. I do not have any siblings and I am currently expected to take over when my mother retires. But that should not be for quite some time yet.” He assures me. I nod slowly as I process the information. I bet if my dad knew about this he wouldn't be nearly as cranky with Ashton. He's the type to be super respectful to authority figures. Which is probably why he worked so hard to be in charge at work. He doesn't LIKE being respectful to people unless he thinks they've earned it. I one hundred percent believe that his goal in getting promotions was just so that he wouldn't have to be nice to people he doesn't respect.

“Alright, my next question. What would happen if something happens to you? I mean, this was kind of a dangerous task you've assigned yourself. If you have such an important role, don't you need to be more careful?” I ask. Ashton actually snorts out a laugh.

"That depends who you ask. My mother would insist that I need to be responsible and take care of myself, but personally I do not think it is very important. I am just a person, it is not like my genetics make me magically suited to rule better than anyone else. I'm sure there are plenty of suitable candidates who would do an acceptable job. It is a role I am intended to inherit, yes.

But if something were to happen to me my mother would simply find a replacement heir. One of my cousins perhaps. I could always refuse the job and that would place her in the same position." He explains. Hmm, he says that, but not everyone is suited to rule over others. I think about how respectful and careful Ashton has acted while he's been here. How he has attempted to conform to our expectations and how he has been able to let me take the lead when he believes he isn't the right person for the job. I also think how he sometimes seems very in control and commanding. I'm starting to think he underestimates himself.

"I can see your point, although personally I think you'll make a good king. So maybe try not to end up dead, okay? You got hurt today and gave me a bit of a fright. I had no idea what I would do if you didn't wake up. Which actually leads to my next point. Is there some way I could contact your home, your mother particularly, you know, if there is actually a problem?” I can practically see Ashton's brain stalling as he tries to answer my question.

"I... I do not know. Perhaps there are charms that would make it possible but I do not know how to make them. Do not concern yourself too much. I am sure that someone will come looking for me sooner or later." He says confidently and I glare at him.

"Gee, thanks. That would be so helpful in an emergency." I say sarcastically and he gives me a cheeky shrug. Ugh. It's like he has zero concern for his own safety. I flick my hair back behind my shoulders, prop my hands up on my hips and narrow my eyes at him.

"Fine, whatever. But if you end up unconscious like this again I'm going to figure out a way to lock you in this room until someone comes looking for you because ONE of us needs to worry about keeping you safe." I stare him down and Ashton laughs.

"Very well. If I fall unconscious again you may attempt to lock me in this room." he says with a wink. My jaw drops and I huff at him. Cocky jerk. I bet I could find a way to do it.

“Anyway.” I change the topic not wanting to give him the satisfaction of arguing.

"I also wanted to know, does anyone else here know about your status? The mayor?" I suggest and Ashton shakes his head quickly.

"No, definitely not. I was concerned that he might try to trap me here or use me to manipulate my mother. I thought it would be best if he continued to believe that I am unimportant. Or at least not politically important." He concludes. "Huh, Well I suppose it's a good thing that I enjoy keeping secrets from him. He called when you were asleep by the way. I gave a brief explanation of what happened but nothing important. We will have to give a proper account to the police in the morning for their paperwork." I explain.

"I understand. Is there anything else you wish to know?”

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