30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

“Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a kindly old man and an equally sweet old lady…” Estrella gently read stories to Isaac, and when she saw Isaac close his eyes and fall asleep, she set down the book in her hand, leaned down, and kissed his forehead. Her child was truly adorable, even when asleep. The soft and tender appearance made you want to give him a kiss.

After bestowing a few more kisses, Estrella noted the early hour and decided to use the time wisely. She tucked Isaac in snugly and made her way to the desk to sift through case files.

During her years away from Ravenwood, life had revolved around Isaac, work, and study. Her return was spurred by her parents’ gentle prodding, suggesting that bringing Isaac back would mean family support for them both. Unable to resist her folks’ persuasion and with work coincidentally bringing her back, she had acquiesced. As for the future, that was a bridge she’d cross when she came to it.

Because of her work, Estrella and Isaac didn’t stay at Waterfall Acres but took up residence in the expansive Dorvold family estate. It was convenient, and her mother could lend a hand with Isaac during the busy weekdays.

“Estrella, is Isaac tucked in for the night?” Autumn’s voice broke the silence as she nudged the door open.

Estrella glanced up from her papers, replying in a hushed tone, “He’s asleep.”

“How about I take him to my room, then? That way, you can get a full night’s rest, and be sharper for work tomorrow,” suggested Autumn.

“It’s fine, really. Isaac sleeps through the night without a fuss,” Estrella reassured her.

“I just want to bond a little with pumpkin,” Autumn confessed, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Estrella had been home for three days, and despite Autumn’s attempts, Isaac remained shy around her. Observing her mother’s subtle craving for closeness with Isaac, Estrella couldn’t suppress a smile. “Go ahead, Mom. If Isaac wakes up and gets fussy, you can always bring him back to me.”

With Estrella’s approval, Autumn beamed, scooping Isaac up in her arms with a whisper of joy, “Oh, Isaac darling, you’ll bunk with grandma tonight! Such a sweetheart.”

Cradling her rosy-cheeked grandchild, Autumn’s smile was a thin crescent of contentment. All the years of waiting had paid off. Her daughter was finally a mother.

And those fortune-tellers? What did they know, claiming her daughter was destined for no one but Jason?


Chapter 188

With Isaac now in Autumn’s care, Estrella returned to her work, her life a simple tapestry. woven with threads of Isaac and her career. It was uncomplicated, yet fulfilling.

As for the events of three years ago, her marriage with Jason, and the many years they had known each other, Estrella felt like it was a dream, something that happened in a previous life. It felt so distant that she almost couldn’t remember it.

Her life was cleaved into two distinct chapters: before and after going abroad. The former chapter was one she was increasingly reluctant to revisit.

The following morning, Estrella emerged from her room to find Isaac sitting on the floor, clutching his feet and gazing intently at the door. At first startled, Estrella knelt beside her child, “Sweetie, why are you on the floor?”

Autumn’s voice floated over, tinged with helplessness, “He’s been so glum since he woke up. Won’t eat or drink her milk.”

Isaac’s eyes fixed on Estrella, his voice a plaintive whisper, “Mommy, no.”

Understanding dawned on Estrella, her arms enveloping Isaac as she lifted him from the floor. “Isaac, you’re my most precious treasure Mommy will always want you. Grandma just loves spending time with you, so you stayed with her for a bit. Let’s not be upset, okay?”

With Estrella’s reassurance, Isaac wrapped his arms around his mother’s neck, resting a cheek on her shoulder, big eyes brimming with tears.

Though a boy, Isaac had delicate features reminiscent of Estrella’s own childhood, not nearly as talkative or as quick to smile, but with the same rare, heartfelt joy when truly happy. Kinda like a certain someone.

Holding Isaac close until his mood lightened, Estrella felt at peace knowing her child now understood Autumn’s affection.

After breakfast, Estrella headed to the courthouse. Over the next few days, life settled into a rhythm of work and family, punctuated by visits from Bryce and Jesse to the Dorvold estate, eager to spend time with Estrella and her little one.

While Estrella had been away, Bryce had struck out on his own, founding a company with -ventures in technology, media, and entertainment, now thriving with his own social circle.

Jesse, armed with the shares inherited from her mother, had made it into Manning International’s management, no longer the target of Damita and Melinda’s scorn.

Word of Estrella’s return soon buzzed through the legal community, prompting Logan to insist on a welcome-back party. Overwhelmed by the warmth of her colleagues at the gathering, she promised to consider a return to Justice Guardians LLP amidst their eager invitations.



Chapter 188

“Estrella, you’re back for good, aren’t you? Come back to Justice Guardians LLP. Let’s be colleagues again.”

“Estrella, you’re our think tank. Remember how you always had that knack for cutting through our confusions?” All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Look, everyone’s excited about your return. Give it some thought, will you?” urged Logan.

Touched by their enthusiasm, Estrella’s response was noncommittal yet open, “I’ll give it some careful consideration.”

Reunited with her colleagues from Justice Guardians LLP, Estrella felt as though the days of old weren’t as distant as they once seemed.

They were all deep in conversation, laughter sprinkled throughout the air, when Estrella’s phone suddenly rang. She excused herself and stepped outside to take the call. It was Jesse on the line, inquiring when Estrella would return, saying that she was over at the Dorvold family residence, and that she had brought along Estrella’s favorite snacks.

Estrella assured Jesse she’d head back once the dinner wrapped up, and after a bit more small talk, the call ended. This time around, there was a newfound steadiness in Estrella, á maturity mirrored in Jesse as well.

Slipping her phone back into her pocket, Estrella turned to rejoin her friends in the private dining room. However, her steps halted abruptly as she caught sight of a tall figure approaching from the opposite direction.

At a distance, the man ended his own call and looked up to find Estrella unexpectedly standing before him. He was momentarily frozen in place.

His feet instinctively stopped moving, and he found himself unable to take his eyes off d


Three years. Three whole years had passed, and now she was finally willing to show up and come back home.

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